Mandrill Alternative That Leverages Mailgun & Sendgrid

Don't just rely on 1 email API!

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Welcome to a Mandrill alternative

With the recent announcement about Mandrill, we wanted to provide a way to leverage other email API's. This is a simple program that allows you to easily send emails using both Mailgun and SendGrid. You can choose to use both API's by rotating email sending between the two or you can simply choose to use one or the other. The benefit is you are not locked into only 1 provider and can leverage both if wanted. We may add additional email API services in the future.

Email Templates

Add email templates to a table, set a schedule date, from name, from email and more. Supports both HTML & plain text emails.

Open & Link Click Tracking

Email open tracking and link tracking are built right in. Opens and link click data is saved in a table.

Starter tables provided

An sql file is provided with the tables that are used in this example. Import the sql file into a new database to get started quickly. Or modify the code to fit your existing tables. All code that inserts/updates database tables is located in the applications directory.

Modify Config.php file

Easily modify the applications/Config.php with your settings. Add your Mailgun & Sendgrid API keys, set your database information, set defaults and more.

Control which API service to use

You can easily control which API service (SendGrid or Mailgun) to send each email batch to enabling you to rotate between the two as you see fit.

Hire us for customizations

Would you like help installing this on your server or do you need help with customizations? Contact Us Here and we'll provide you with a quote based on your requirements.

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